Voicewise and Huawei Italia – pilot research for Covid19

Voicewise activated the clinical trial dedicated to the diagnosis and monitoring of Covid19 infection at the Castelli Hospital of Rome, the Technoscience Technological Park of Latina and the Policlinico Fondazione San Matteo of Pavia.

The pilot research project of voice biomarkers for Covid19 infection sees Voicewise’s valuable collaboration continue with Huawei Technologies.

Huawei Italia has promptly made available to experimentation the mobile devices necessary to activate clinical research: Huawei smartphones, through the Voicewise web app dedicated to Covid19, are the tools that allow you to record and acquire patient voices in the Covid departments in agile and remote, or without any risk of contact with the patient. For the experboration for reasearchimentation, most of the latest generation Huawei smartphone and tablet devices with different characteristics and performance were specifically used.

The clinical study was created with the primary objective of verifying the possibility of identifying the Covid19 infection through voice analysis by means of Artificial Intelligence algorithms specially developed by Voicewise; this also has the purpose of “measuring” the degree of severity of the infection and of monitoring its course, also for the recovery phase after discharge from the hospital, or in case of home isolation.

The successful outcome of the Voicewise-Huawei research would open very interesting application and service scenarios also for the management of the “phase two” post lock down epidemic, for the purpose of large-scale monitoring and prevention. Just think of its use in access gates to means of transport (airports, railways, ports, bus stations) or to public or work places, schools and numerous applications in the health sector, being the solution designed to be extended to a wide range of pathologies.

Furthermore, the use of the smartphone as a daily tool for prevention, diagnostics and health promotion together with the continuous monitoring of pathologies would allow to “design” a non-invasive and very low cost solution, which combines the quality and accuracy of medical research with the advantages. of mass technology, with its capillarity and agility, to create support for doctors and people, to be used in any place and by anyone, at any time of day or night. A “smart” project to start the digital transformation in the healthcare sector, the result of the best spirit of collaboration between academia and the private sector for the benefit of society.

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